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Mission Statement

We affirm and celebrate the stated mission, purpose, and goals of the Suzuki Association of the

Americas and the philosophy of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki.


Our mission is to develop beautiful hearts through beautiful tone, and to encourage intentional

respect and deep love for each teacher, student, and parent engaged in this life-long process of



We all have a part to contribute in building a more just society in which everyone is safe, and

where diverse voices are heard, treated with respect and dignity, and celebrated.

Core Values

When we all observe and embrace these core values, we learn to not only make beautiful

music, but to make the world a better place for all. We hope that these are the values of the

directors, staff, faculty and participants in the Virginia Suzuki Institute. We continue to work

to exemplify these values and to make our VSI community an inclusive and welcoming

musical home.


Kindness – We value every person and will treat each one with kindness and compassion as we expect to be treated the same way.


 – Integrity – We will act with integrity and strive to do the right thing for for our fellow human



Humility – As a community of lifelong learners, we will each exhibit humility, working to the

best of our abilities. We value collaboration and cooperation .


Respect – We respect every person regardless of race, creed, religion, sexual orientation,

age, socio economic status, gender preference, ability etc. We will treat everyone with the same

respect that we wish to receive.


Love – In the broadest sense of the word, we expect to appreciate and love each person in

the true Suzuki sense and exhibit the basis for Dr. Suzuki’s teachings, “Where Love is Deep,

Much Can Be Accomplished”.

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